Great Eurussia Mon May 06, 2013 1:44 pm
WORLD ALLIANCE EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION ACTAuthored by the Kingdom of AloiaSection 1) Purpose & FunctionsWAESCO shall be established to promote cultural understanding and appreciation between nations and decrease warfare based on intercultural distrust. These ends will be achieved through:* Collaborating in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples* Cooperating with members for the advancement of their own educational programs* Hosting and assisting in peace talks between warring peoples* Fighting with legal action and sanctions for the equal treatment and protection of rights of all people, without distinction of race, sex, language, orientation or religion* Assuring the conservation and protection of the world’s great inheritance of books, works of art and monuments of history and science* Encouraging cooperation among the nations in all communities of the arts and sciences, including the exchange of information, resources and objects of interest to the educational, scientific and cultural fields* Initiating means of international cooperation that lead to the exchange of publications and artwork for the advancement of human culture and sciences* Establishing and protecting parks and reservations around locations important to the cultural heritage of the nation, the World Alliance and the world as a whole* Protecting each nation's culture and the region's wide diversity of cultures by not getting involved in events that are out of the jurisdiction of the organizationSection 2) MembershipMembership in WAESCO is entirely voluntary and any member nation can choose to leave at any time. Funding for WAESCO will come from voluntary funds donated by member nations.In order to be a member state, a nation must exhibit;* High regard for education* High regard for equality and equality* High regard for cultural heritage sitesBeing a member state grants the nation the privileges of:* Higher cooperation between the scientists, artists and educators in different nations and the advancement of styles of art, scientific research and education among member nations.* The ability to establish a World Heritage Site or National Heritage Site as a location of importance to the cultural history of the nation, World Alliance or world as a whole.* An increased level of cultural understanding.Section 3) GovernanceThe organization shall be governed by an Administrator to be chosen by public vote. Until the official first election, the post will be held by Aloia as interim Head Administrator. Elections for Head Administrator will be held from the 13-17 days of each month. The organization shall be based at Manello Palace Library & Museum in Talos Eri, Aloia.