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Post  Planitan Commonwealth Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:01 am

ReDeploying Troops in Order of the WAFF

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PNN reporting
After hearing of the WAAF deployment to Farshonia. Planita has redeployed its air force to protect Farshonia. 50 jets have been deployed along with a mid air refueller to patrol the skies while ground crews set up Anti-aircraft missiles on the ground. Ground troops are soon to arrive in cargo aircraft.
Condemns Texania

The Planitan Union also expressed its disappointment in Texanina stubborn resistance in not letting the Republic of Hanover-Oldenburg go even after WAAF forces have been deployed for peacekeeping. Also
Chancellor Zheng wrote:
Texania is violating the newly passed Farshonia Neutral Intervention Act. In Section 5 of the Act, it clearly states, "The World Alliance, recognizing the Empire of Farshonia, shall not recognize any territorial acquisition made by another state in Farshonia by force or coercion." Your "liberating" force is now becoming a occupation force. You wanted your WA bill, now you got it, withdraw immediately or face international involvement.
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Post  Texania Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:33 am

Texania withdraws

Texania has decided to leave the equipment of 20,000 soldiers for the Hanover-Oldenburg military to use,and has announced that it will continue to fund the Hanover-Oldenburg military for 5 years. Texania will also, if Hanover-Oldenburg gets re-annexed into farshonia,will demand that all equipment given to the Hanover-Oldenburg government be returned to texania.
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Post  Ireland Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:47 am

Back under DEFCON 5
The man responsible for the Irish Defense Forces Hacking Scandal has been arrested in War ravaged Cork at 11 AM. The mans name is Patrick O'Brian. He was former Mayor of Dublin and was Minister of Defense for 4 years under Emperor Higgins  The man has been arrested once for Robbery and another time for disturbing the peace. His court date has yet to be decided.
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Patrick O'Brian

Joe Higgins executed
Former Socialist Prime Minister Joe Higgins was executed today at 9:30 AM on orders of the Supreme Court. He has been charged with Fraud,Taking Bribes,Stealing Money, and telling Lies to the Public. His original execution date was set for December 2014 but the Supreme Court over ruled that and moved it to today. 
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Post  Great Eurussia Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:30 am

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The Eurussian Cabinet held their first meeting at the Imperial Kremlin Palace, at the presence of His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Akihito, after their official appointment as the new top officials of the Eurussian Government. They were all nominated by the newly elected Chancellor, Hillary Clinton, for the central government. A private luncheon were also later held hosted by the Emperor joined by the Imperial Family and the newly appointed ministers.
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These officials are the following: Their Excellencies, Harry Reid, Senate President; Nancy Pelosi, Parliament Speaker; Barack Obama, Vice Chancellor; Robert Gates, Internal Minister; Condoleezza Rice, Foreign Minister; Leon Panetta, Defense Minister; Eric Holder, Justice Minister; Timothy Geithner, Treasury Minister; Penny Pritzker, Trade Minister; Lisa Jackson, Agriculture Minister; John Kerry, Energy Minister; Anthony Foxx, Transportation Minister; Rahm Emanuel, Communications Minister; Peter Orszag, Labor & Welfare Minister; and Kathleen Sebelius, Health & Education Minister.

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In her first press conference as the Eurussian Chancellor, newly elected Chancellor Hillary Clinton affirmed the nation's long time policy of bringing the WA Government in the forefront of all crisis and actively make the WA Council, WA Parliament, and WA Court of Justice intervene to uphold international law and avoid any kind of military confrontation and escalation to achieve peace. She also affirmed the nation's commitment to uphold its commitment to all its allies and defend their interests at all cost, all in the name of peace and stability within the international community. She also supported the Farshonia Neutral Intervention of the WA Council through the deployment of WAAF, WADSJ, and WAHO. She also affirmed the 15,000 strong Eurussian Peacekeeping Forces in Farshonia will stay there until a resolution has been achieved for the benefit of the Farshonian Empire.
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Post  Aloia Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:10 pm


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Michelle Robinson, the new Chancellor of the Imperial Union of Aloia, Genolia, and the Kingdom of Talos.

SAN FRANCISCO, Aloia == The Imperial Union of Aloia, Genolia, and the Kingdom of Talos elected a new Chancellor, Michelle Robinson. Robinson was born to middle-class African Aloians in the city of Chicago. Robinson eventually became the mayor of Chicago before being elected Chancellor in the most recent election on the Green Party ticket. She's the second African Aloian chancellor and the third consecutive female chancellor of the IU, following Beauchene and Davis.

Robinson started her first term as chancellor with a speech, ordering the Aloian Red Cross, the Aloian Legion, and the Aloian Royal Armada to mobilize to Farshonia to work closely with WAHO to help the people of Farshonia. Aloia is only an observer in the talks currently underway in Astana regarding Farshonia, but Aloia is doing all they can to help the people of Farshonia through their position in WAHO. Robinson, who was a major champion of social activism and improving the lives of the underprivileged in Chicago, is obviously bringing the lessons she's learned in her life with her as she moves into the Palace of Moncloa to begin her term as Chancellor.
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Post  United States of Europe Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:32 pm

The World Alliance Humanitarian Organization intervenes n Farshonia
Thanks to international cooperation prevented a humanitarian catastrophe
All the details of the mission

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A base camp of the European Civil Protection (forces of WAHO) in the outskirts of the capital
Once again, war and instability are likely to create a humanitarian crisis in apocalyptic Farshonia, the nation also affected by a major economic and social decline.
Public services, including the most essential (such as public health, or even the distribution of drinking water) are insufficient for the population, basic infrastructure (railways up to the power lines) have collapsed, all while poverty, unemployment and social unrest increases exponentially.
The situation is potentially explosive.

For this reason the European Government has decided to launch international relief operations, coordinated with the ,managed by the WAHO (World Alliance Humanitarian Organization), the humanitarian institution of the regional government.
An intervention that will be effective, focused,solid and extremely massive , which will see employees at the forefront of all the member countries of the organization, in particular most of the Rapid Deployment Forces come from Europe.

The humanitarian operation, of course, is included in the priorities of the law passed unanimously by the Council-WA a few days ago, laying down provisions for the international intervention in Farshonia.
In addition, the actions have met with the approval of the General Assembly (the legislative body of WAHO) and the full support from the international community.
Everyone understood that the future of Farshonia necessarily passes through the well-being of its people.
The mission: Forces made ​​available
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Vehicles of the Fire Brigade (red),of the Civil Protection (white) and of the Forest Guard (green) ready for deployment. Units used as WAHO forces
The European Government has planned the deployment of a large contingent to the rescue operations.
The forces will come from the Civil Protection Department, from the National Fire Corp, the from the National Corp of Forest Guard, from the European Red Cross,from the Emergency Medical Service and from the various voluntary associations.
Other units will come from the Police and the Carabinieri, but will deal more specifically with operations to counter the vile phenomenon of profiteering.
Also participating Army units, unarmed, to provide specialized equipment for relief.
The Navy and the Air Force will provide vehicles for the deployment.

It is trained and specialized units, chosen from among the best available, and have great experience in the field of international humanitarian intervention: were chosen more or less the same units that participated in missions in Korya, Aloia,Texania,Lonbonia and Farshonia (the previous mission).
The forces are greatly mechanized, with an impressive mobility and a great rapidity in the interventions.
They are equipped with advanced instruments and equipment, sophisticated and functional.
In short, European and WAHO forces have the capacity to give a huge help to the population.

These units are therefore part of the Rapid Deployment Forces of the WAHO, and thus have similar characteristics to them.
The mission: Humanitarian Aid
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A cargo plane of the European Civil Protection delivery of humanitarian aid (forces of WAHO)
The European Government has initiated transfers of huge amounts of humanitarian aid to the people affected by the conflict.
Aid comes from government reserves, as well as those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Fund for International Aid) and the reserves of Civil Protection,generally intended to supply operations conducted inside Europe.
Aid comes in large part also by voluntary donations of businesses and citizens, another symbol of the great generosity that characterizes the people of Europe.
The aids are purchased at prices much lower than normal, jointly agreed between managers and the government, by European companies, both public and private.
At the end is also an economic gain.
Or, are donated directly by the citizens, and their solidarity and generosity has been widely demonstrated.
The aid is in deployment phase, mainly with transport ships of the Navy and with the fleet of transport aircraft of the Air Force.

The WAHO of course will provide the majority of humanitarian aid, drawing from its vast reserves.
The mission: Territorial structure & Chain of command (FULL) WA International News Network  - Page 18 Immagine_262web
A modern field hospital just mounted by the European Civil Protection in Farshonia (forces and structures used as WAHO Forces)
The mission will have a complex spatial structure.

The Main Operations Centre has been set up in the capital of Farshonia.
This is because it is equipped with modern facilities and equipment and technology, which allows a total control and updated on the status of infrastructure, residential areas and sensitive areas, through the use of a network of cameras, radar and sensors.
An integrated computer network which then puts in constant communication with European forces, but also those of WAHO and of the other nations.
Contacts also insured by advanced network of radio links, under construction, but already well under way.

Secondary structures will be the Centers of Sorting and Deployment.
Will be placed at major airports and ports of Panaulas.
hese centers, to be improved, they are coming with integrated removable structures of European humanitarian forces, of the allied nations and of the WAHO forces.
In these centers will land units of humanitarian relief, transported by sea and by air, of the Europe, of the allied nations and the WAHO forces, and then be distributed throughout the territory as required.
These centers will also unloaded humanitarian aid, to be sorted and sent to different local structures, or, if need, stored.
The interlocking units of humanitarian relief and humanitarian aid on the territory will take place, presumably, by air and land.
The centers will be constantly connected to the facilities of deployment posed to Europe through airlifts and naval routes of connecting.
This also applies to the forces of other nations and for the forces of WAHO.
The links will then constant to support the high flow of humanitarian relief units (then men, vehicles, equipment) and especially of humanitarian aid.
These centers are then selected from among the larger, efficient and rich infrastructure links present in Farshonia.
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One of the removable camps for the homeless,of the European Civil Protection, under construction (forces of the WAHO)
At all the facilities listed will be the additional removable structures of WAHO, of the European forces or of other nations.
Structures which include removable fields for the displaced, which will present transportable hospitals and pharmacies, kitchens, canteens, toilets servici and accommodations.
A sort of "removable town", where the population that no longer has a roof will find a welcome, service and hospitality.
At the fields will take place even distribution of humanitarian aid.
Only the fields removable of the WAHO have a capacity available for hundreds of thousands of people.
With the support of European structures and of the other nations, the needs of the population will be covered thoroughly.
The fields will be present in a widespread manner, in all towns, even smaller ones.
And this also applies to the distribution points of humanitarian aid.
The humanitarian forces also will make inspections and aid deliveries from house to house, if necessary.
The mission: The deployment
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Vehicles of the European Civil Protection deployed to distribute humanitarian aid (used as the WAHO forces)
The trips have taken place by means of amphibious assault ships and cargo vessels, but were also used some aircraft carriers, of the Navy, or with cargo planes of the Air Force.
Were mostly used C-17 Globermaster III, C-130J Hercules 2, C-27J Spartan, but have been deployed for the occasion, the C-5 Galaxy.
For transport were also used ships and cargo planes of the European Civil Protection.
In addition, the airlines or of navigation state-owned have provided some of their ships or their aircraft.

For the WAHO the logistic forces of the Rapid Deployment Forces will take care of the logistical deployment, in a manner similar to that described above.

The operations of deployment, however, are still in progress.

The mission: Goals and Objectives
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Units of the Civil Protection ready for deployment (forces of the WAHO)
The objectives of humanitarian intervention are many.

First, avoid castrofe a humanitarian, providing assistance to the population, through the distribution of humanitarian aid, medicines, food and basic necessities.
At the same time, the provision of housing, services (of all kinds, from the electrical current to the toilet and health, until the psychological support) at the removable camps for the displaced.
Also, proceed with a restoration of basic infrastructure, especially roads, railways and water systems, which can be replaced by humanitarian forces only in part, unlike all the others.
This is to stabilize the situation, to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.

Then, after the stabilization phase, continuing with the same vigor as aid to the population, to proceed with an initial reconstruction.
So with the removal of debris, assessment of the stability of buildings, and with their level of safety.
In particular, for public buildings and those involving essential services, to proceed with a gradual reactivation of the same.
Then, at the same time, proceed with the reconstruction of private buildings, even with the WAHO funds for post-emergency.
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Post  Farshonian Empire Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:30 am


The 'treaty' of Farshonian Unity was signed by Wilhelm and the leaders of secessionist.As a result , Wilhelm III no longer rule Farshonia and unity of Farshonia is back again.His son , Francis I , is now the Emperor of Farshonia while the chancellor and the ministers will remain in power until their death.

After the 'treaty' was the new constitution authored by Farshonian Constitutional Commision of 1987.Whether the new emperor Francis I will ratify it.

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Post  Texania Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:49 am

Texania forms a monarchy!

After the people of Texania demanded that a monarchy be established, president George Moosh had an official ballot released to see the what the majority wanted. 79% of Texania's population said that they wanted a monarchy as a purely symbolic means.Over 63% said they wanted already existing royal members of other countries to become the new monarch.The nation of Texania has officially called upon royals of all nations to volunteer to become the new king/queen. The Texanian government has announced that the new monarch will be selected as follows:

1. all candidates will be assigned a number.

2. The president ,George Moosh, will pull a number out of a jar.

3.The candidate with the number pulled out will become the new monarch of texania,and his family shall be the royal family of Texania.

OOC: i will be using a random number generator.
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Post  Ireland Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:47 pm

Irish Southern British people march for Civil Rights
British people in the Southern states of Ireland have been marching for equal treatment. The story behind this is that after the Irish seized control of Britain from the British Government in 1990 the British Citizens were treated unfairly. They couldn't go to the same schools, work in the same place,go to the same restaurants, or anything of that nature as the Irish Citizens could. But about 11,000 people in Southern Ireland hope to change that. They have been marching non-violently since February 6th and they haven't stopped. So far 800 British citizens have been arrested and put in jail. 5 British people have also been shot and killed. The Emperor and President have yet to make a speech on the matter.
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One of the many photos of British people protesting.

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Effected Areas are Connaught,Mundatse,and Munster.
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Post  New Tarajan Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:49 pm


After a period of difficult negotiations between Farshonia, the secessionist States and the International Community, mediated by New Tarajan, and the concrete risk of a world-wide military escalation, finally there seems to be a true light of peace in the area.
After Emperor Wilhelm III (who decided to abdicate) and the secessionists have signed a Unity Agreement to put to an end the division of Farshonia, King Friederick Wilhelm decided to express, in a press conference, his "deepest congratulations to Farshonia for the results achieved right now. This is what diplomacy can do. We have demonstrate, today, we, all together, Farshonians and international community, that there is a viable alternative to imperialistic adventures and that we can find solutions to avoid bloody conflicts spread throughout the world."
The King commended "all the countries involved in the issue, which demonstrated their commitment for peace and stability, and particularly the WA institutions and organizations" while remarking that "New Tarajan is proud to say that we have actively participated in resolving the question. Our hope is that this same model of collaboration will continue to be used when the next crisis will come."

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The King also took the opportunity to congratulate with the new Aloian Chancellor for her election, hoping that "our relations will only continue to strenghten".
The situation in Farshonia remains unstable, at least until the first effects of the Agreement will not be directly seen, but analysts and observers are unanimous declaring that the worst has gone. The alert remains high, but New Tarajan achieved a true great goal, through its actions during the crisis and the Astana Peace Summit, which aided to find a way toward the final solution. Moreover, New Tarajan also proposed a road-map for reconstruction and investments, which is actually under examination of the Farshonian government, becoming a key actor in the issue.
"This is a demonstration of what Tarajani diplomacy is able to do" commented Prof. Van Der Waltzer "The Kingdom has all the capabilities, and the will, to help ensuring peace even so far from its borders. This is a great achievement. It's probable that in the near future we will see much more activity of the Tarajani diplomacy."
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Post  Farshonian Empire Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:25 pm


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Betancour I

In unknown times , the former emperor suffer from colon cancer which it was diagnosed since the Farshonian Civil War.Upon her being informed by his doctors that that he had only three months to live.He pursued medical treatment and chemotherapy.

By the time of Southern Farshonian riots , the former emperor was reported to be in very serious condition , suffering from loss of appetite and confine in Berlin Medical Center.Later on , his sons and Betancour had decide to cease chemotherapy and other medical interventions for her.

The first and former emperor of Farshonia died peacefully at Berlin Medical Center at 3:18 AM from cardiorespiratory arrest.He will be buried on February 19 in newly created cemetery near Berlin.
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Post  Great Eurussia Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:20 pm

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In a press briefing on the sidelines of the NATO Summit being held in Dromoda, Her Excellency, Chancellor Hillary Clinton commended the Farshonian people for working together for the benefit of the future generations of their nation. She noted that the immediate WA Intervention prevented all possible risks of being taken advantage by opportunistic parties or groups that might have caused further instability in Farshonia. Nevertheless, Chancellor Clinton also commended all its allies involved in bringing Farshonia back on its feet especially the WAAF, WADSJ, and the WAHO. She also hinted the possobility of re-opening once again the country's diplomatic mission in the capital city of the Farshonian Empire.
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Chancellor Clinton also offered her prayers and deepest sympathies, in behalf of the Eurussian Empire, with the people of Farshonia following the passing of the late Emperor Betancour. She said that the Imperial Family is extremely saddened by the news and noted that His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Akihito, will be flying to Farshonia to personally condole with the Imperial Family and the grieving people of Farshonia.
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Post  Ireland Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:21 am

Situations worsen in the South
The protesters still remain non-violent but the Police have turned violent. Since last night they have arrested 1,000 more British People and killed 250. To make matters worse the Government is split right down the middle. The Emperor on one side and the President on the other. The Emperor is in support of the British getting fair rights and the President is in support of keeping them oppressor. The Emperor gave a speech at about 9 AM about the situation.
Emperor Francois Hollande wrote:I seriously thought Ireland had passed this stage, I thought we had matured as a nation and excepted everyone as one. But obviously I was wrong. When I took the throne as Emperor I thought I was leading a mature people.I thought we were one of the most free people on the planet. I was wrong there to. I would hate to personally show the South my true power as Emperor. I dont want to do that but if I have to I will.I demand that the basic rights be gien to these people. They may have treated us like dog poop for 800 years but we dont need to treat them like that.
the Royalist Party is on the side of the Emperor and the Conservative Party is on the side of the President.
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Post  United Earth Conclave Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:56 pm

U.E.C Enforces Closed Boarders With Ireland

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The Empire of Ireland is an odd nation
said the honourable Chairman Boris Stukov
It seems like the Empire just can't figure out who to oppress. First the proletariate workers of Cork and Galway and now it seems the Southern British. We are wary of our neighbour and its obvious political instability. We are also aware that this nation has scapegoated this nation in the past which resulted in the slaughter of our ambassador an attack on our embassy which by law would be an attack on the U.E.C itself. So we must take precautions. The Workers Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) have been mandated to keep our borders safe by constructing multiple Tesla Towers along the Irish-U.E.C border. The U.E.C side of course
chuckled the Chariman.

Honourable Chairman, these Tesla Towers; What are they and how do they work? Enlighten the people of this nation.

Well we are stepping up defensive measures along our border because are predicting the collapse of Ireland due to its political instability ad we are doing so utilizing new technology to defend the territory.

As Tesla once said "Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities" and with this re-discovery of disposable energy the Workers Liberation Army have been utilizing this technology and creating 'Tesla-Towers' in honour of the great scientist which contain the ability to discharge electrical currents with up to 15-20,000 volts of electricity in an area of ten mile radius.

Excellent, Mr.Chairman. Do you have any words for Ireland or the South Britannians?

Our dialogue with Ireland, with the Irish Empire have come to a stand still and our nation nor I have nothing to say to their government. They oppress the workers and target minorities. However, we do support the South British people in their struggle for equal rights and an end to segregation.
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Tesla Tower Prototype
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Post  Farshonian Empire Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:09 pm


The aftermath of severe instabilities of the "almost-collapsed empire" is now rising to it's knees.Massive foreign investments help Farshonian infrastructure to rebuild while Eurussian Peacekeeping Forces are helping the Imperial Farshonian Army to fight drug cartels.The economy of Farshonia is now skyrocketing.The morale of Farshonians is now good enough to calm them down preventing riots and protests.

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"Now that we Farshonians are slowly recovered by the foreign nation who help us.I want to thank them from their help that save us from total collapse.We will rise again , Farshonians.I hope that this events will never happen again.Thank you."

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Post  Ireland Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:01 am

Tensions settled in the South
After the Souths refusal to give the British People rights, Emperor Francois Hollande showed his true executive power and issued an executive order. This executive order mandates that all Southern Brits be given their equal rights.Here was the speech.
Emperor Francois Hollande wrote:I am severely disappointed in my country. I hoped that we would settle this without me having to order it. But obviously I was wrong again. We would rather spend our time persecuting those who persecuted us. Rather than forgive them which is the Christian thing to do. Is this the image you want to put out for Ireland on the world stage. Ireland,the unfair kingdom. If you do then you are not Irish. I have signed an executive order making these Citizens of the Irish Empire equal to us. If you dont like it well you will get over it.  

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After he gave that speech riots on both sides stopped in all part of the Empire.
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Post  Türkiye Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:14 am

Peace Signed in Turkiye
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Leaders of all 3 nations in Turkiye signed peace in Istanbul to end the war. All the forces started to go back to the nation they belong to. With that Turkiye divided to 3 parts. Even though isolation and neutralist policies were changed, all of the nations were forced to use that policy again. Monarchist part made their capital Karaman while Communist part made their capital Erzurum. Other news are:
-Elections started in Turkic Federal Republic:
After the war RPT is forced to held elections which should have held one and half year later. it's likely that Ulvi Arda Uzun because he was one of the only ones who got old president's ideas completely and promise to use them in case if he will be elected.
-Government formed in Union of Turkic Comminust Districts:
A New government was form by Communist Party as their newborn nation needed a government. Alp Doruk Mataracı, one of the people who started to revolt first will be first ruler of CPT until he leaves his job or Communist Party gets a new president.
-Questions in who to become monarchy of Turkic Caliphate:
There has been questions about who will be the new monarchy of Turkic Caliphate. Soon it was decided that it would be ruled by few monarchies which was nearly never tried before. This will change as oldest heir will be the only ruler afterwards

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Post  Talanzaar Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:23 am


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Talanzaar seeking new military allies and trading partners

OKRAIAN, TA - Talanzaar has been very isolated from regional events and other diplomatic happenenings, but that is set to change after Prime Minister Kedar Otto announced that Talanzaar is open to creating embassies for other nations within Talanzaar. Also, PM Otto announced he is open to trade deal with other nations.
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Post  Great Eurussia Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:37 am

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commended the Emperor of Ireland and the Irish Government for ensuring equal rights among its citizens regardless of race or beliefs. Such equal protection on the promotion and protection human rights raises Ireland's status in the international community as one of the world's pinnacle of human rights standards along side Eurussia. The ministry hopes that Ireland will continue that path of progress.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that it has lifted its travel ban on Farshonia citing continuing stability brought by its stable government aided by the WAAF, WADSJ, and the WAHO finally allowing Eurussians to travel again to Farshonia to help boost its tourism and contribute in the development of its economy. The ministry also said that that it has opened its diplomatic mission in Berlin where the Eurussian Ambassador to Farshonia will become again the nation's resident envoy in the country. Thus, resulting to Farshonia's removal from Eurussia's international watchlist allowing its citizens to enter the country under less restrictions.
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Post  Farshonian Empire Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:01 pm


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Most of family members of Hollenzohern didn't visit any country but now , Francis I was invited by Emperor Akihito to discuss the empire's relations to Eurussia and sign a new treaty.He said that this is the first time he visit places outside Farshonia.He also said that he is a very shy person and he is nervous to come to Moscow.However , Francis I still resist his fear and his shyness to face the emperor of Eurussia.

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Post  Federation of Antanares Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:44 pm


Stock Market: Parnassus Energetic -6,56%, JMC +3,45%, Veliko-Sun Co. +7,10%, Nimitz Ship Design +3,00%, Alpha Vega Informations +3,21%

Restart travel in Farshonia
Parnassus Scandal
New plan for the transport network

After the start of the humanitarian mission in Farshonia, the Minister of Foreign Affair released a note about the situation in the country and provide to eliminate all the previous advertisement for the ban travel in the area. The past ban was reason of preoccupation for the main industries that have some interests in the area of Farshonia, especially the JMC and the Parnassus Energetic.

The second company, in the last days, was hit by a scandal provoked from the exit of priority information from one of top manager of the company, for now in an unknown location. Following these information, the company operates in foreign countries, especially the most unstable, without following the normal laws. The company, in the documents steal from the headquarter in Parnassus City, used all the possible means to conquer the main resources of a country, like corruption, homicide of important political men and contraband. According to the information, men of the ASSIS and of the Ministry of Economic are involved in the scandal. The AFS, the delegate for this kind of crimes and the Government have not release any notes about the accuses. The Parnassus Energetic is one of the most important company involved in the energy camp and not only in Antanares, but in the entire World Alliance. The company works with the government at the Solar Array Project of New Tarajan, has power plants in dozen of countries in all the world and a wide network of contacts and contracts.

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Parnassu Energetic Headquarter in Parnassus City

Meanwhile, the Government decided to start a new program of innovation of the transport network of the country. The new program will start in the next months and, to start, will involve only the main cities and the main route of Antanares. The new network system will be formed by a large grid of high-velocity railroads, completely eco-friendly. The program, financed by the Ministry of Transports, will invite the citizens to abandon the use of cars and to improve the train traffics. In Antanares, a nation almost with large plains and hills, the trains could become the most used vehicle for the long and the short travels. Also, the government will provide the expansion of three important port hubs in the east coast, to improve the naval traffic of goods and passengers.
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Post  Great Eurussia Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:40 pm

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After a tumultous crisis in his country that almost brought the world into the brink of a world war, the newly crowned monarch of Farshonia, Emperor Francis, arrived today in Moscow for his first State Visit aimed in showcasing the world that the Farshonian people has learned its lessons through all instabilities and is now ready again to proudly face the world for a new era of the Farshonian Empire. His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Naruhito, personally welcomed the visiting monarch upon arrival at the airport which was given full military honours and who later accompanied Emperor Francis in a horse drawn carriage all the way to the Imperial Kremlin Palace where His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Akihito, formally welcomed the visiting monarch to the Eurussian Empire. A sumptuous State Banquet was also held in honor of the Farshonian Emperor joined by the Imperial Family, ministers, officials, business leaders and notable figures.
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Tomorrow, the Farshonian Emperor is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with Vice Chancellor Barack Obama and a bilateral meeting with the Eurussian Cabinet at the White House which will be followed by the formal signing of their newly crafted bilateral Treaty of Friendship forging new era of closer diplomatic, security, and economic cooperation. It is expected that the two leaders will affirm Eurussia's continued support for the long term stability and over all development of Farshonia.
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Post  Arveyres Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:21 am


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One of the very few photos taken at the Reception, showing Lady Oriane, Malika Anissa, and Lord Michael of Eurussia
In an effort to further strengthen ties with the Sultanate of Lonbonia, the Lady Oriane has organised a two week royal visit to Arsh'ul'Malik -formerly Kunera - to show a sign of respect to the newly founded Sultanate. Although the cultures show very few similarities, the families hope that this can tie their nations even further together.
Also to try to show Arveyres' honour to Lonbonia, Lady Oriane has also started to take lessons from Malika Anissa on Lonbonian Arabic; Oriane will also be educating Anissa in the Arveyran (Patrician) language.
Upon recent hearings that nations are uplifting travel bans to Farshonia, the Arveyres would like to clarify their stance on the topic. The Arveyres urges every nation to think about it's actions of uplifting a travel ban of a militaristic, unstable, war-torn, war-mongering, dictatorship that bans basic civil rights. The Arveyres will still be outlawing all travel into Farshonia, and no incoming flights for any reason will be accepted from Farshonia, regarless of flight path or company.
As the Châteauvieux Canal in Kharid is a privately owned, Eurusso-Arveyran operated, waterway - with Arveyres having final say of which nations may freely pass through the canal - that crosses an entire Patrician nation, all naval vessels of Farshonia are restricted from entering Arveyran waters. Any Farshonian vessel or plane that makes it's way into Arveyran waters or airspace will be treated as an act of war.
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Post  Ireland Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:15 am

Ireland sides with Eurussia
The Emperor gave a speech about Newellias recent Deceleration of Independence.
Emperor Francois Hollande wrote:I am confused, at first Newellia is all like "Yay we are with our brother nation" now you want to. Personally I just believe you are stupid.What kind of logic is there in going against a powerful nation that has many powerful allies. there isn't any. So the reason that you are doing this is unknown to me and to be honest I am kind of infuriated that you would do this. the Government of Eurussia has done nothing but treat you fairly and rebuild Newellia and this is how you repay them. I am ending all ties with Newellia effective immediately maybe when you stop this non-sense will we reconsider.   

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Post  Planitan Commonwealth Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:28 am

Planita Neutral in Neweillan Affair

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After a emergency meeting with the Union Council, The Planitan Union announced it will remain neutral in the Neweillan succession affair.
Chancellor Zheng wrote:
We will not intervene with the affair of our ally. It is Eurussia's issue and we will only intervene  if it is necessary.
This decisions has probably come after the incident in Farshonia in which Planita set up a no-fly zone without foreign approval. Another reason is maybe Eurussia too powerful to fight.
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