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WA Armed Forces Act

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WA Armed Forces Act Empty WA Armed Forces Act

Post  Great Eurussia Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:07 pm

Authored by the United States of Europe


The WA Armed Forces is a voluntary organization aim to protect the region externally.
The WA Armed Forces shall aim maintaining regional security and cooperation.

Section 1) Structure and Functions

1.1) Secretary General

The Secretary-General is the head of the organization. This is in front of the Security Council and in front of third parties. Presides over the meetings of the Defense Council, cares for the resolutions and orders of the day, and is elected by the members of the Board on a monthly basis. Only one member of the board can become Secretary.

1.2) Defense Council

The Defense Council is the body responsible for managing the organization in all its aspects and movement. It is the executive / legislative organization. It consists of one representative from each country that adheres to the organization, usually the representative is the Minister of Defence or the head of state of a nation. Each proposal submitted to the Council shall be passed as a resolution by a simple majority. Resolutions may include military action to be taken, political reform organization, budget proposals to be approved etc..

The Council may also decide to expel a nation alliance, with adequate justification. Resolutions may be proposed by a member of the Council, by the Secretary General or by members of third parties, provided that they are supported by at least one member of the Council. No member has the right to veto.

The Council is headquartered in Saint Petersburg (Eurussia) with an office in Eurocity (USE).

1.3) National Contact Points

The National Contact Points are detachments territorial organization. They are located in the capital cities of the nations participating in the WAAF. They are points of contact between national governments and the institutions of the organization.

Section 2) Military Structure

2.1) General Command

The command is headquartered in St. Petersburg (Eurussia) and is the supreme military entire organization. Component manages the entire military (naval, land and air) of the organization, including the logistics section. Command reports directly to the Defense Council.

2.2) Military Area Commands

Detached structures are the general command. Are 4 and each one has control over the military forces of the WAAF in a given region. Each command is divided into Air Section, Logistics Section, Naval Section, Section Terrestrial, each with responsibility for certain specialties that have been assigned. Commands are posted 4, and have the responsibility of four regions.

* Detached Command Region South West (Zakiristan)
* Detached Command Region South East (Broatia)
* Detached Command Region North West (New Zealand)
* Detached Command Region North East (XIV)

2.3) Rapid Deployment Forces

Rapid Deployment Forces are military forces belonging to the member nations that have the one and only job is to serve the purposes of the WAAF. They depend directly from the headquarters. Rapid Deployment Forces will be calculated based on the size of the armed forces of a particular nation. Each specialty (Navy, Army, Air Force and Logistics) has its own Rapid Deployment Forces. They must be well-armed, equipped and trained, and will be housed in specific military bases belonging to the WAAF.

* Rapid Deployment Forces Land
* Naval Rapid Deployment Forces
* Air Rapid Deployment Forces
* Logistic Rapid Deployment Forces

2.4) Special Structures

The WAAF special facilities not belonging to Deployment Forces kidnapped, he managed the Military Area Commands. Depend directly from the General Command of strategic importance because they are relevant.

* Anti-missile facilities
* Structures identification

Section 3) Tasks and Functions

The main task of the WAAF is to defend the region from any threat or any possible external threat. The WAAF can attack countries or regions outside only if they attacked first, but in cases of proven threat, can also attack beforehand. The WAAF can not attack, then, unless there is a threat to the region. Any attack against one state in the region (although not part of the WAAF) corresponds to an attack on the entire region. The WAAF may also conduct military operations and exercises.

Section 4) Economic Aspects

4.1) Fund for Military Research

The Defense Council manages this fund which has the task of promoting any kind of research that relates to military purposes. This is to promote research and the development of potential regional military.

4.2) Fund for Industrial War Sectors

This fund, managed by the Defense Council, has the task to intervene on behalf of all companies related to the military, who are in need, in order to avoid bankruptcy. The fund also spoke in favor of the workers employed in the sector military, especially those in financial difficulties. The fund may also invest in favor of the industry, in order to strengthen it, enlarge it and make it more technological and productive.
Great Eurussia
Great Eurussia

Posts : 5336
Join date : 2013-02-04

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WA Armed Forces Act Empty Repealed

Post  Great Eurussia Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:22 am

Great Eurussia
Great Eurussia

Posts : 5336
Join date : 2013-02-04

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