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WA Customs Union Act

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WA Customs Union Act Empty WA Customs Union Act

Post  Great Eurussia Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:44 pm

Authored by the United States of Europe

During the various laws have been proposed various laws, and the creation of several organizations that have greatly increased cooperation among nations of our great and prosperous region.
Just think of the WAPF (World Alliance Police Force), a tool that has been instrumental in the capture of the terrorist Bashar Al-Arab, the WAAF (World Alliance Armed Force), which has been a point of union between the states to bring down the dictatorship who had seized power in Aloia, or WAHO (World Alliance humanitarian Organization), whose shares have averted a humanitarian catastrophe of regional proportions, when there was war in Aloia.
Or to other organizations, such as the WASDA (World Allianche Space Defence Agency) or the Waseda (World Alliance Social & Economic Development Agency).
Sometimes these organizations have failed, and they did it when the nations of the region were disunited among themselves.
The goals that we have mentioned above then you must co-operation between states, symbolized by such international bodies.
But here we want to reach an ever closer union among the states, to an increasingly higher integration of the various economies.
Because economies linked bring development and growth from all sides, and because the cooperation between the states favors peace and away the risk of war, especially of regional scale, which have already hit our.
Our ultimate goal is a single market, but we must proceed gradually, in small steps.
The first hurdle to overcome is the Customs Union.

Article I - The Customs Union

Section I,Customs Union, what is
The Customs Union is an essential element in the future functioning of the single market. The single market can only function properly When there is a common application of common rules at its external borders. This implies That the various Customs administrations of the Costom Comunity must act as though they were one.

The regional customs union:
1) - the absence of customs duties at internal borders between the Member States of this community;
2) - common customs duties on imports from countries not members of the community;
3) - common rules of origin for products from countries not belonging to the community;
4) - a common definition of customs value.

The regulatory framework will be established discipline, among other things, some important aspects:
1) - uniform application of the Common Customs Tariff to all external borders of the community customs;
2) - common approach regarding the customs warehousing procedure;
3) - facilitating the movement of goods under "Customs transit";
4) - replacement of the many customs documents with a single administrative document.

Section II,Objectives
At the same time trade liberalization implies rights and obligations for all trading partners. Hence the need for mechanisms and establish rules ensuring fair competition between companies operating in international trade.
In this context, the trade defense instruments are often the only means available to businesses to react to unfair practices in the international arena.
The legislation will provide involves three main measures:
• anti-dumping, taken against imports on the Community market by companies of third countries that sell on the market of the community customs products at lower prices than the selling price on the market of origin of the goods;
• anti-subsidy to imports which benefit from State grants and subsidies granted by governments to their own businesses;
• safeguard activated in the presence of serious prejudice to the customs of the community resulting from market distortions.

Other tasks are:

    Protecting society and the Union's financial interests by developing effective measures against illicit, restricted and prohibited goods and developing effective risk assessment as part of the fight against terrorist and criminal activity;Supporting the competitiveness of companies of the Union by modernising customs working methods and developing new Union's standards;Facilitating legitimate trade by designing and improving control systems to reduce interference in the flow of goods, and reducing the administrative burden on businesses;Controlling and managing the supply chains used for the international movement of goods by enhancing effective and systematic sharing of risk information;
  • Developing and enhancing cooperation between customs authorities and with other governmental agencies and the business community.

The regional legislation therefore has the purpose to remove the distorting effects of such imports and to restore effective competition in the regional market.
All for the benefit of members of the community.

Section III,Political aspect of the Customs Union
The Customs Union will be placed within the regional organization of Waseda, in the "Trade Section".
The supreme supervision of the Customs Union will be up to the Security Council, and any offense or misuse of the regional customs policy will be condemned by the Court of Justice, which may impose penalties or ospellere a state from the community customs.
The accession to the Customs Union community is completely voluntary, no state can be forced to be part of it, in compliance with current Constitution.
However, the states that become members of the Customs Union will necessarily conform to the common legislature.
The Customs Union will be able to include any country that wants to be part of it, as long as it comes from our region.
It will remain for the Security Council to admit new members in the community.
We must, therefore, that the various states make an application to that body to enter.

Article II,Tariff aspects

Section I,Common Customs Tariff
The barriers to free trade, tariffs and trade tariffs to imports into the Community's internal frontiers Customs shall be abolished altogether.
The 'Common Customs Tariff' (CCT) Therefore applies to list the import of goods across the external borders of the EU.
The tariff is common to all members of the community, but the rates of duty differ from one kind of import to another Depending on what they are and where they come from. The rates depend on the economic sensitivity of products.
The price of the common tariff is decided by common agreement by all members of the community customs.

Section II,Suspension of the Common Customs Tariff

Common customs tariff duties are applicable to all goods imported into the Customs Union.
However, in certain well-defined Circumstances, taxation is not longer available Justified, by virtue of the special conditions (for instance when you finish a move with your personal belongings to a country outside the community or come back when you finish) Under Which goods are imported (the usual need to protect the economy is absent).

 In such circumstances, arrangements were made, both internationally and at the level of the Community, to allow goods to enjoy relief from the application of import duties.

Section III,Suspensions
The suspensions constitute an exception to the normal state of affairs (application of normal customs duty rate) since, during the period of validity of the measure and for an unlimited quantity they permit the total (total suspension) or partial waiver (partial suspension) of the normal duties applicable to imported goods (anti-dumping duties are not affected by these suspensions).
In this context, it should be pointed out that goods imported under the suspension arrangements are in free circulation and enjoy freedom of movement throughout the Customs Union). Furthermore, once a suspension is granted, normally any operator in any Member State is eligible to benefit from it.
This means that the granting of a suspension has consequences for all Member States, and that the sector should therefore be administered on the basis of close and extensive cooperation between the Member States and the Security Council so that the latter can see to it that all Customs Union interests are taken into consideration.

The main purpose of tariff suspensions is to enable Union enterprises to use raw materials, semi finished goods or components without being required to pay the normal duties laid down in the common customs tariff. Suspensions are proposed after a thorough examination of the economic reasons on which the requests are based and only insofar as they seem likely to benefit the Customs Union economy.
It is in the interests of the Customs Union as a whole that Member States are able to procure for their military forces the most technologically advanced, suitable weapons, and military equipment. In view of the rapid technological developments in this industrial sector worldwide, it is normal practice of the Member States authorities in charge of national defence to procure weapons and military materials from producers or other suppliers located in third countries. Given the security interest of the Member States it is compatible with the interests of the Customs Union that certain of these weapons and equipment may be imported free of import duties.

Article III,The Customs and the Customs Union

Section I,The role of Customs today

Customs are in a unique position today to be able to

    facilitate trade and
  • protect the interests of the European Union and its citizens.

Customs authorities implement EU policies in almost every field connected with international trade. They are in the front line in the fight against fraud, terrorism and organised crime.Until recently, the role of the customs consisted primarily of collecting customs duties and indirect taxes at import. Numerous developments, including enlargement and the development of e-commerce and the threat of terrorist attacks and the internationalisation of organised crime, have altered the environment in which customs operate.To effectively assume these roles customs maintain a continuous dialogue with stakeholders. In this context, consultation with the business sector has been enhanced. Trade associations are regularly invited to seminars and working groups to give their input to the development of new policy and legislative initiatives. For example, the Trade Contact Group, in which all major players in the international supply chain are represented, has been established.

Section II,The role of Customs in the Union Customs

Customs authorities shall be primarily responsible for the supervision of the Community's international trade, thereby contributing to fair and open trade, to the implementation of the external aspects of the internal market, of the common trade policy and of the other common Community policies having a bearing on trade, and to overall supply chain security. Customs authorities shall put in place measures aimed, in particular, at the following:

    Protecting the financial interests of the Community and its Member States;Protecting the Community from unfair and illegal trade while supporting legitimate business activity;Ensuring the security and safety of the Community and its residents, and the protection of the environment , where appropriate in close cooperation with other authorities;
  • Maintaining a proper balance between customs controls and facilitation of legitimate trade.

Article IV,Customs Procedures and Customs Union

Section I,Import

  • Free Circulation

The purpose of release for free circulation is to fulfil all import formalities so that the goods can be sold on the Community market like any product made in the Customs Union. Release for free circulation thus confers on non-Community goods the status of Community goods. Clarifies that release for free circulation entails:
1) - both the collection of import duties where goods are liable to them according to the Community Customs Tariff and no duty relief is applicable,
2) - and the application of commercial policy measures (such as the presentation of an import authorisation for goods subject to quotas) and any other formalities laid down in respect of the importation of such goods (such as the presentation of a health certificate for certain animals).

  • Temporary Importation

Temporary importation means that goods may be used in the Community without payment of duty or VAT under certain conditions and re-exported afterwards in the same state as they were in at import.

  • Inward Processing

Inward processing allows imported raw materials or semi-manufactured goods to be processed for re-export within the Community by Community manufacturers without a requirement that the manufacturers have to pay customs duty and VAT on the goods being used.

  • Customs Warehousing

Customs warehousing allows the owner to hold imported non-Community goods in the Community and choose when he pays the duties or re-exports the goods.

Section II,Export

  • Outward Prrocessing

Outward processing is the opposite of inward processing. It allows community goods to be processed abroad and, when they come back into the Community to be put into free circulation, that duty has to be paid only on the value added abroad.

Section III,Free Zones

Free zones are special areas within the customs territory of the Community. Goods placed within these areas are free of import duties, VAT and other import charges. Goods for export can also be put in free zones as this allows for VAT zero rating (i.e. no VAT is charged by the supplier in respect of those goods).

Will the member states of the Customs Union and the Security Council to determine where to create free zones.
Great Eurussia
Great Eurussia

Posts : 5336
Join date : 2013-02-04

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WA Customs Union Act Empty Repealed

Post  Great Eurussia Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:05 am

Great Eurussia
Great Eurussia

Posts : 5336
Join date : 2013-02-04

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